Error / Status | TouchMix Error 1234 - Can't connect to IP Address

Learn how to troubleshoot TouchMix Error 1234.

Updated at June 3rd, 2024

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series TouchMix Series


Error 1234 - Can't connect to IP address shows on TouchMix.


Error 1234 will populate if there is an issue with the mixer receiving an IP Address from the existing network router.


  • Verify the SSID of the network that the mixer is trying to connect to is correct.
  • Verify that the network encryption is the correct encryption. 


    The selected encryption types between the mixer and router must match.

  • Use the mixer to scan for available Wi-Fi networks to make sure the correct SSID populates.

    If the SSID and encryption are correct and the issue is still persistent when trying to connect to the network, try setting the mixer up as its own access point and connect the control app to the mixer using the Wi-Fi dongle. This will help validate the mixer hardware.


Solution | Workaround

  1. Set Network Type = Wireless
  2. Note the Mixer Name as this will be the SSID that the mixer will broadcast.
  3. Set Mixer to “Create New Network”
  4. Set Password (10-digit number)
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Power down and reboot the mixer.

The mixer should show a message indicating that the network has been created. 

  • IF YES, please attempt to connect the mobile device to the mixer.
  • IF NO, there may be an issue with the Wi-Fi dongle and might need to be replaced.

Assuming the mobile device is connected to the mixer, verify that there is control over the mixer with the TouchMix Control App.


The mobile device must be given permission under the Remote Control settings on the mixer prior to being able to control the mixer.


If the mobile device is connected but the mixer is not able to be controlled by the control app, the USB Wi-Fi dongle may need to be replaced or the mixer may require service.

If the control app works without issue with the mixer setup as the access point, then there may have been some changes made to the router.  The router might need to be power-cycled or reset. Please contact the router manufacture for additional troubleshooting.

General router settings:

  • mDNS must be enabled.
  • Bonjour must be allowed.
  • Allow the router to function as a DHCP server
  • Select Security Encryption type to WEP-40, WPA, or  WPA-2.