Sound Advice | Broadcast mixing tips: The importance of microphones

In this article, we discuss the importance of microphones to capture everything in your venue when building a mix for broadcast.

Updated at May 23rd, 2024

Today's Lesson

When it comes to capturing all audio sources for a broadcast mix, the rule to follow is; if you want it to be heard, Mic it or plug it in.

That’s right, mic each drum element, percussion, electric guitar amp, acoustic piano, every horn and anything that can be plugged in through a direct box, like bass, acoustic guitars and keys.

Microphones are like ears for your broadcast mix.  Just because something is loud in the live venue to your ears, doesn’t mean that the broadcast mix is sending it. 

The more mics you have on your band, the more control you will have to shape and mold the sound of your mix. This includes the audience!

In order to help recreate the full live experience for the online listener, use mics to capture the audience response. 

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