Sound Advice | Setting up a stage: Main left and right loudspeaker placement

This quick tip goes over setting up the Main Left and Right loudspeakers for your P.A. system.

Updated at May 21st, 2024

Today's Lesson

Let’s talk about setting up speakers for a main PA. If you’re using subwoofers, get those setup first. If your subs are setup let’s get the rest of the PA going. 

Mounting the speakers directly above the subs using poles is a great option and very common. Simply screw your poles into the subs and place your main speakers on top. Done! 

Maybe you’ve only got one sub. If that sub is off to one side of the stage, put one speaker atop the sub and mount the second on a stand. 

If the sub is in the center of the stage forget the pole and throw both loudspeakers up on stands. 

If you don’t have subs at all, well you’re using poles anyway. 

Some setups may also require the loudspeakers to be angled down slightly to maximize the audience listening experience. If the loudspeakers are up on the stage for instance, or any situation where they are at an elevation where the loudspeakers are pointing over the top of the audiences heads. The loudspeakers need to be aimed down at the listener’s heads, or more specifically, their ears, which can be done using the dedicated 7.5 degree down tilt pole cup on the K.2 loudspeaker. This keeps directional high frequencies pointed at the listeners’ ears, optimizing definition, clarity and intelligibility.   

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