How To | Use the TouchMix User Buttons to set the Tap Tempo when using the Mon/Stereo Delay or the Stereo Delay.

Learn how to quickly set the Tap Tempo when using the Mon/Stereo Delay or the Stereo Delay using the TouchMix User Buttons.

Updated at May 10th, 2023


  1. Go to Menu
  2. Go to User Buttons
  3. Under Action Column Touch-Tap Tempo
  4. Under Selection Column-Touch Mono Delay, Stereo Delay L or Stereo Delay R
  5. Under Detail Column Touch FX1-FX8
  6. Assign User Button to any User Button 1-8
  7. Touch Assign Button
  8. Are you sure screen will pop up, Touch Assign to store in that User Button
  9. When you Touch the Tap Tempo User Button in will start blinking. Adjust the Delay by Tapping the Blinking Light to the Tempo of the Song.