Quick Tip | TouchMix User Button: Setting Faders to 0 dB or Unity Gain

Learn how to easily set faders to 0 dB or unity gain using the TouchMix User Button in this quick tip.

Updated at September 11th, 2024

Today's Lesson

Learn how to set up a User Button on the TouchMix to quickly bring your fader or faders to 0 dB or unity gain.

This function comes in handy if you need to quickly reset a fader to Unity position.

An example of when this is helpful is if you’re setting up an Aux output to mirror the main mix. To do this, set the Aux pick off point to “Pre fader”, then go into the Aux mix and set all the faders to Unity. With a user button set to this function, you can see how this process is speeded up a great deal, allowing you to move through setup much quicker. 

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