Sound Advice | Setting up a stage: Running audio cables for you PA

Once the P.A. is set up, it's time to run the audio cables and get it connected!

Updated at May 21st, 2024

Today's Lesson

It’s time to run audio connections for a show. 

Start by running XLR cables from the main Left and Right outputs of the mixer to our subwoofers on the right and left side. Then run other XLR cables from the output of each subwoofer to the loudspeakers above. If a single sub is used, use this same process on the side with the subwoofer and run the other mixer output directly to the second loudspeaker.

If you are not using subs, run both mixer outputs to your loudspeakers directly. In some cases, you may want independent control of your subwoofers. In that case, you’ll run your subwoofers separately from an Aux on the mixer.

In this scenario, run an XLR from the chosen Aux output to one subwoofer and another XLR from the output of that sub to your second subwoofer. Then connect the Right and Left outputs on the mixer to your right and left top loudspeakers. 

Now we’ll connect our stage monitors using the Aux outputs, making sure to be aware of what connections are running to what monitors on stage. We’ll use Aux output 1 for our first stage monitor. Followed by 2 and 3 for the second and third.  Once we turn everything it’s a good idea to label all of these connections in the mixer. 

Now we can connect all of the instruments and begin sound check!

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